Proud to be a small scale, environmentally conscious hemp farm.


And not just any hemp

We are honored to be growing feminized hemp seed from Oregon CBD. There are many reasons why we continue to purchase our seeds from them, such as having seed germination rates ranging from 90% - 99% (varying between varieties and batches) and CBG varieties able to pass any compliance test at any time, but put simply, Oregon CBD is consistently producing the most unique and useful non-GMO genetics here in the United States, if not the entire world. In our opinion!

If you are interested in growing this amazing plant we highly recommend doing lots of research and planning. You will want aid with making the most important decision a farmer makes each and every year: where to source their seed!

our farming methods

First and foremost, our farming methods are dictated simply by what is the right fit for our family. Life can become crazy at times, and when it does, our farm reflects how we are able to respond to these challenges. When we are faced with drought, we rely on our natural spring for irrigation. When we have persistent obligations that take us away from our land, we shift focus from weeding thousands of plants thoroughly to simply doing whatever we can to keep the most aggressive weeds at bay. Pesticides are never used and neither are thousands of yards of plastic mulch.

One of the most amazing aspects of farming this plant, is that it is incredibly resilient! We love that they are strong, hardy, and require very little assistance once we transplant them into the field. A weed-whacking once or twice a season, some pruning, and keeping an eye out for any pests are our primary tasks through the summer.

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Harvesting operations

Preparing for the several rushed, hectic weeks of harvest is both exciting and a bit overwhelming! But once we begin bringing in hundreds of pounds of green, aromatic flower and we work in the field from sunup till sundown, it’s enjoyable to settle into a happy groove and we enjoy getting covered in sticky plant goodness.

Our friends and family join us on our land to carefully select the best flower available in the field. We are very particular about avoiding all imperfections that may have sprung up due to cold, wet weather. It is cut, given a quick initial trim of large, bulky leaves that could impede drying, and hung to receive lots of airflow.

We do not harvest using a whole-plant drying method, but cola by cola, bud by bud, hanging each branch or stem on long strings suspended in our barn. We carefully monitor temperatures and humidity through a 10-14 day drying process. And then bring all the plant matter down and store in clean, large storage containers that get “burped” every day.

Click below on “Salve Test Results” to see the real reward from all of our hard work…the soothing potency within each jar of our salve!