Hello, there!

We are the Wallace Family and Headland Homestead is our life and our livelihood. My name is Chelsea and I welcome you to our endeavor!

The land Headland Homestead rests upon has been passed down along three generations; from my grandmother, to my mother, and now to me. My little family, comprised of my hard working husband, Pat, our little daughter, and myself, desires to live simply but well, a goal that sounds easy and straightforward, but is a unique undertaking for any individual seeking such a life.

Our hope is to work hard with our land and the resources it provides for us, and by doing so, we will get to spend our valuable time together in the place we love most. Working with our hands, finding creative solutions for any agricultural challenge, and anticipating the changes each season will bring, these are all aspects of growing and harvesting industrial hemp as a livelihood that we are excited to experience together.


Our Mission

Headland Homestead strives to nurture and care for our hemp plants to the best of our ability and for the best of our community. For the sake of this community, encompassing those near and far, we believe in what we cultivate on our land and would not welcome anything to Headland Homestead’s soil that could harm our product, our livelihood, or the position of trust and respect we hope to establish amongst any and all we interact with.

guiding goals of Headland homestead

  • Survive the first three years as licensed industrial hemp farmers so we can work from our land long term!

  • Welcome any and all to Headland Homestead with the intent to share and educate

  • Incorporate sustainable farming practices whenever possible

  • Discover new growing methods with which we can propel our industry and homestead forward

  • Establish connections with quality businesses both near and far that offer growth and betterment, that we, in turn, can enrich and support

  • Create the means with which we can grow our business, providing the ability to welcome new fields, new plants, and new products

  • Nurture the dynamic and diverse community we are now apart of, always aiming to be inclusive and supporting